"Once our eyes are opened, we cannot pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know, and holds us responsible to act." Proverbs 24:12

“There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven’t yet met.”- William Butler Yeats

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You Got Twenty Questions?

I've seen this played on quite a few blogs and I've always wanted to do it, but honestly I haven't done it mostly because of two reasons:

a) I've always assumed no one would ask anything.

b) I've always assumed I'd get tons of questions (many I'd be afraid to answer).

After pondering it for a few weeks, I have decided that I'll go ahead and play. There are some rules, though! I know. Bummer. Sorry. But would life be like without rules, huh? I promise. They're easy ones.

1) There must be at least 20 questions for me to write a post answering them.

2) You can ask anything you want, about any topic. I will answer to the best of my ability each question.

3) If the question is from an "Anonymous" reader, then I reserve the right not to answer, therefore not counting it as "a question". That said, of course, I welcome questions from Anonymous readers.
(Was that confusing?)

Play nice! :)

So are you ready to play? I look forward to reading your questions.

Have fun!

Right now I'm off to take AJ to the doctor to see what she can do about his croupy, icky, cough that just won't go away!

But before I sign off, I wanted to say thank you and give a shout out to my new friend, Kristin, who lives in Corpus Christi, Texas, for coming out of lurkdom and saying hello! You rock, girl! I am so glad to meet you.


Anonymous said...

Do you think women that have abortions are forgiven?

Aus said...

YOU are way BRAVER (is that a word? - means more brave anyway) than me! I'll have to ponder this one for a while but check back later!

hugs - aus and co.

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

ohhhh I wanna do this but I don't think anyone reads my Blog, LOL

What do you Really Think of Obama?

Do you believe in the end of times??

If so how do you think it will happen?

Do you believe in Past lives???

Why do you think some people are handed a full deck and others half a deck????

He & Me + 3 said...

The same question I ask everyone...What type of Camera do you use to capture your precious memories with?
Do you scrapbook?

mommy24treasures said...

catching up on your posts. Ha! half the talent as me!? surely you gest? Look at your beautiful blog and your AMAZING gift for sharing your heart.
I will think on the question hmmm. be back.

Katie@ThisCrazyLife said...


Veronica @ Luv My Quiver Full Of Arrows said...

Hmm...I will have to think about this for a second...

I know, it was the first question I thought of when I first visited your blog:

I have never heard your name before...what is its origin? Where you named after someone? I was so curious and now I might get my answer!


xoxo, Veronica in CA

Amy said...

Keeping with the Valentine theme...

How/where did you and Scott meet? Was it love at first sight?


The Ferrill's said...

Oh I love all the questions. And Ohilda, I bet the Ped Egg people are wondering why their sales are sky rocketing! I've GOT to get one! ;) My feet are in NEED.
Okay, questions...hmmmm...
I KNOW! What is your favorite Bible character of the Old Testament and why?
I can't wait to see all your answers!

glo said...

do mom's love thier kids equally?

did you go to college?

what made you want to adopt? why didn't you and scott try to have your own kids?

what happend to your grey hound?

when/why/how did you become more religious

Char said...

1. I think you need to have a new post during the week, Ohilda's Consumer Report, you can help us out with other products like the ped-egg thingy; what do you think? I have a suggestion, that Smooth Away stuff! lol

2. Have you been through really hard financial times, enough to have checks bounce; and if so, how did you handle the emotions?

3. How many days is the longest you let laundry pile up?

4. Are you guilty of calling a child in the room to pick up something in the same room you're already in? lol

5. Do you read the celebrity mags at the checkout?

6. Do you watch soap operas?

7. Are you guilty of going out in your pj's when you're feeling lazy?

8. Have you totally zoned out while the kids are talking to you and had to apologize?

9. Have you faked being asleep when the kids start tugging on you to go help them with something?

10. Have you had Mac-n-cheese nights for dinner?

11. Do you have any quirks, like always wearing socks around the house?

12. Do you recycle?

13. Do you try to slide by expired coupons at the grocery?

14. What are your main holidays you decorate for?

15. Before you were a working mom at home, what other jobs did you hold?

16. Do you print the pics you take or just keep them online?

17. Do you get mixed up with the kids' birthdays at doctor's offices, etc?

18. Have you ever forgotten how old you were, even for a minute?

19. Did you ever want a fake ID?

20. What are you most proud of, about yourself, not involving family?

Phew, I made it to 20, WITHOUT reading other's questions! lol :)

Char said...

1. I think you need to have a new post during the week, Ohilda's Consumer Report, you can help us out with other products like the ped-egg thingy; what do you think? I have a suggestion, that Smooth Away stuff! lol

2. Have you been through really hard financial times, enough to have checks bounce; and if so, how did you handle the emotions?

3. How many days is the longest you let laundry pile up?

4. Are you guilty of calling a child in the room to pick up something in the same room you're already in? lol

5. Do you read the celebrity mags at the checkout?

6. Do you watch soap operas?

7. Are you guilty of going out in your pj's when you're feeling lazy?

8. Have you totally zoned out while the kids are talking to you and had to apologize?

9. Have you faked being asleep when the kids start tugging on you to go help them with something?

10. Have you had Mac-n-cheese nights for dinner?

11. Do you have any quirks, like always wearing socks around the house?

12. Do you recycle?

13. Do you try to slide by expired coupons at the grocery?

14. What are your main holidays you decorate for?

15. Before you were a working mom at home, what other jobs did you hold?

16. Do you print the pics you take or just keep them online?

17. Do you get mixed up with the kids' birthdays at doctor's offices, etc?

18. Have you ever forgotten how old you were, even for a minute?

19. Did you ever want a fake ID?

20. What are you most proud of, about yourself, not involving family?

Phew, I made it to 20, WITHOUT reading other's questions! lol :)

deedee said...

My question is simple- Would you come visit my blog and check out my "P's?"

Holly said...

You know Stefanie from Ni Hao Ya'll personally?! Ya'll traveled home from China together? Wow!! What a small world and a great BIG GOD!!!!
Here's my question:
What's it like being a Mom to grown kids and to toddlers at the same time? How is parenting the "2nd time around" different than the first time? What have you learned that you didn't know the first go-round?
Since one of your commenters already asked 20 questions herself, I think we are safe...the answers will come.
Oh I have another very important question to add:
What's so great about Keifer? Isn't that the 24 guy you love? Do tell! ;+)

Patricia said...

Wow...there are some great questions here! lol! Since one of mine was already asked, I'll ask this one:
If you could meet anyone for the first time (dead or alive) who would it be & why?

Oh! Just posted my letter "R"...this was quite the challenge! ;)

betty said...

wow so many good questions already!!

looking forward to reading your answers

my question: Have you ever been to California?


Anonymous said...

Good morning, sweety! Ok since you have to be truthful.... did you really love my Black Velvet Cake??? HA! HA!

Oh! Here's another one: Right now, how many pairs of shoes do you have lying around the house?

Last but not least: Can I give a shout out to all your " peeps?? " GOOD MORNING PEEPS!!!!

Angie said...

This is not a question about you, but one that you of all people will most surely know the answer to...we didn't quite get the kids to bed on time Monday and missed the first 10 minutes of 24! But it's okay. We will recover from that if YOU help us. So, here's the question: How did the lady from the FBI get out of that ditch and how on earth did that bad guy get Jack in a head lock? Inquiring minds want to know! :o)

day by day said...

go take a peek at my blog. : )

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by yesterday. I love your blog and hope that your little one is getting better.

Leslie said...

I know that you have plenty of questions on here already, but since I am a relatively new reader of yours, could you introduce us to your family a bit? (NO! You don't have to give real names if you don't want to!!)

Like... the ages of your children?
Favorite things to do as a family?
Favorite things to do as a couple (you and hubby)?
Favorite foods?
Favorite colors?

You know... things in general.


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