It's been really chilly here the past couple of days, putting us even more into the Christmas spirit. We've been talking daily during Advent not only about the reason for the season, the birth of our Savior, but about Christmas being a time of giving.
Yesterday morning, the little ones along with my big elf Amanda, made special Christmas cards. Baked some Christmas cookies and packaged them up to deliver them to our local firemen.
Not only do these men work very hard to protect us, but they are so great with kids. The little ones walked in with their packages and loudly wished all that they encountered a "Merry Christmas".
The firemen oooohhed and aaahhhhed over how much they loved cookies, and the little ones beamed with pride when they told them that
they had been the ones to bake them,
not Mama.
One of the men asked if they wanted to go inside the trucks. It took all of .5 second for them to yell out, "YEEEESSSS!"
We spent a half hour there asking lots of questions, getting lots of answers, and putting little hands into motion as they tried out every gadget they could reach.
Finally, they left as official firefighters with badges and hats. But more importantly they left with little hearts filled with the knowledge that when you give, God blesses you tenfold, even if it's through tours of firestations!